our English Miss has arrived


Good morning from a

beautiful, sunny, friendly, busy Lake Worth! DSCN7884I arrived back to this wonderful place late on Tuesday evening. I have a friend with me for the week and have been busy showing her all the things that make Lake Worth so special and such a fun place to live. It is quite interesting because when I have visitors at home in England, it always gives me a new perspective on my surroundings that I take for granted because I see it every day! I feel very much the same about Lake Worth, you cannot describe it to others, they have to live it, to experience it first hand to understand what it is about it that I love so much.

….and I think, at least I hope I have done just that. It has reinforced it for me because I consider this to be so much a part of me that I have started to take So, what is it about here that I love…well let’s start things for granted.

So, what is it about here that I love…well let’s startwith our neighbourhood where I can walk or cycle down the street and at everyturn find a cheery wav or ‘How you doing?’ greeting….nice


Or is it thebeach area where there is so much to do and see…it looks FABULOUS…so clean and bright. The beach looks great, there are sun beds and cabanas to rent, and surf boards, and umbrellas….there is food to suit every pocket and of course, the lifeguard to make sure that everyone is safe at all times.

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Of course downtown is a must every evening although it does take on a special feel when it is  Evening on the Avenue, music and dancing, children having fun, stalls with art, massage, tattoos, clothes, plants, trinkets and a myriad of other things. What a delight!

Sitting outside Havana Hideout is always fun, and so special when seeing friends you have not seen for three months, offers of meals out, visits to houses, event tickets…….or just hanging out!DSCN5050

Cycling is so easy, have you ever known an area be so flat….except for the bridge and even then you get to coast down the other side with your feet outstretched, without a care in the world, marvellous!image copy 2

The cultural council exhibitions, harpists and interiors as well as fine art. The Art Lofts where the exhibitions andshowings are diverse and such fun, everything from photography to etching to printing to oils, watercolour, risqué……

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And above all I LOVE the people of Lake Worth…..the gorgeous, friendly, funny people who make me feel very special and I am so privileged to call my friends…here is to a great three months of joy!!!!!!


…and of course, my friend now knows exactly what I am talking about when I speak about my second home…and she  gets it!

Have a great week!




About Lake Worth Florida by the moment the source of inspiration

A former Unite Press International photographer. Spent 9 years with Cruise Ship Photos of London. Moved to Lake Worth from Coconut Grove, with artist husband Fred Hunt. Never leaves the house without a camera. Writes another blog "One Ear Society" dealing with the ins and outs of the art world. Closed her Art Gallery in Coconut Grove after 17 years to relocate in Lake Worth.
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